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Membership Meetings

Regional membership meetings are held annually in all nine TCFV regions. TCFV Area Directors collaborate with TCFV staff to host customized regional trainings. Meetings are open to both organizational and individual members. Registration is required, but complimentary. Upcoming meetings are listed below by date.

Jul 09

Region 6 (East Texas) Membership Meeting

Join us for Region 6 TCFV Regional Membership Meeting!

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Jul 10

Region 7 (Gulf Area) Membership Meeting

Join us for Region 7 TCFV Regional Membership Meeting!

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Jul 11

Region 2 (West Texas) Membership Meeting

Join us for Region 2 TCFV Regional Membership Meeting!

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Jul 19

Region 5 (South Central Texas) Membership Meeting

Join us for Region 5 TCFV Regional Membership Meeting!

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Jul 23

Region 3 Membership Meeting

Join us for Region 3 TCFV Regional Membership Meeting!

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Jul 29

Region 8 (South Texas) Membership Meeting

Join us for Region 8 TCFV Regional Membership Meeting!

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Aug 08

Region 1 (Panhandle Area) Membership Meeting | Family Support Services in Amarillo, TX

Join us for Region 1 TCFV Regional Membership Meeting!

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Conferences, Summits & Events

Every year TCFV hosts a myriad of conferences, summits, and other events empowering those who work in the movement and raising awareness surrounding domestic violence.

Oct 28 - 30

TCFV Statewide Conference 2024 | TCEA Conference Center

TCFV is excited to host the 2024 Statewide Conference for domestic violence advocates and allied professionals working to promote safety, justice, and prevention. The Statewide Conference aims to elevate calls to action identified in TCFV’s annual intimate partner homicide report: Honoring Texas Victims.

The Statewide Conference brings meaningful opportunities to network and engage in learning opportunities.  This is our first in-person Statewide Conference post COVID. All presenters and attendees will be in-person; we will not be offering a hybrid option.

Registration Opens: May 30, 2024
Early Bird Registration: May 30 – July 30, 2024

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