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Event Details

October 28 - 30, 2024

TCFV is excited to host the 2024 Statewide Conference for domestic violence advocates and allied professionals working to promote safety, justice, and prevention. The Statewide Conference aims to elevate calls to action identified in TCFV’s annual intimate partner homicide report: Honoring Texas Victims.

The Statewide Conference brings meaningful opportunities to network and engage in learning opportunities.  This is our first in-person Statewide Conference post COVID. All presenters and attendees will be in-person; we will not be offering a hybrid option.

Registration Opens: May 30, 2024
Early Bird Registration: May 30 – July 30, 2024


TCFV Statewide Conference 2024




Refreshments with Exhibitors 



(Conference Room)


Plenary #1

(Conference Room)

Session Title:  

Session Description:  

Speaker: Yevette Christy 




Workshop #1

(Room TBD)

Session Title: 

Session Description: 

Speaker: TBD 


Workshop #2

(Room TBD)

Session Title: The Denton Project: One agency’s successful effort to change child welfare practices at the micro level (with an Introduction to the National Center to Advance Peace for Children, Youth, and Families) 

Session Description: This session will begin with an introduction to the mission, goals, and innovative initiatives of the National Center to Advance Peace for Children Youth, and Families (NCAP), the national resource center on child protection and custody. Afterwards, attendees with hear from Denton County Friends of the Family (DCFOF) and learn about their multiyear efforts to successfully change child welfare practices at the micro level by 1) enhancing their advocacy for parents who have experienced domestic violence in achieving the best possible outcome in their Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) case, 2) encouraging DFPS to hold parents who use domestic violence accountable by prioritizing BIPP, 3) implementing effective intervention tools for long term sustainable efficacy, and 4) how these efforts can be replicated by domestic violence service providers throughout Texas. 

Speakers: Krista Del Gallo, Donna Bloom, & David Almager 


Workshop #3

(Room TBD)

Session Title: Providing Specialized Support to LGBTQ+ Survivors of Domestic Violence 

Session Description: This workshop covers best practices around providing support services and domestic violence shelter access for LGBTQ+ survivors that meet the complex and unique factors that domestic violence service providers face, providing culturally responsive care to LGBTQ+ survivors, and providing tangible skills building and guidance. 

Speakers: Dinyar Mehta & Noah Castro 


Workshop #4

(Room TBD)

Session Title: Immigration Relief for Victims of Crime 

Session Description: Participants will learn the different types of immigration relief available for victims of crime during investigations and prosecutions, including U-visas, T-visas, and VAWA self-petition. They will learn about non-adjustment status that can be used to secure the lawful presence of victims during investigations and prosecutions of crime. 

Speaker: Rosie Martinez 


Documentary Screening + Panel Discussion

(Alamo Drafthouse-South Lamar)

Documentary Title: Survivor Made 

Session Description: SURVIVOR MADE is a holiday documentary that centers queer, trans, and BIPOC survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) whose lives and stories intersect through their place of employment in downtown Los Angeles. The film begins at the start of Gifted’s make-or-break holiday season. Pressure is on at the warehouse where a diverse chosen family of survivors work at a dizzying pace to hand inspect, gift wrap, package, and ship artisan products crafted by the program’s budding survivor-entrepreneurs. 

Speakers: Rachna Khare and others







(Conference Room)


Plenary #2

(Conference Room)

Session Title: Firearm Policy and Domestic Violence 

Session Description: 

Speaker: April Zeoli 




Keynote #1

(Room TBD)

Session Title: Uplifting Survivors Voices in Your Community’s Efforts to Reduce and Prevent IPV Homicides 

Session Description: Criminal Justice professionals often seek to implement strategies and/or risk assessments with the intent of decreasing intimate partner violence cases and preventing homicides. However, if survivors’ voices are not included in the strategic planning process, critical opportunities to learn, build relationships, establish partnerships, and discuss important issues such as confidentiality, safety and healing may be missed. Survivor voices are essential when deciding if a specific risk assessment or homicide prevention strategy should be implemented. Intentionally engaging with survivor insights and experiences can ensure a thorough and proactive discussion of potential unintended consequences, and better avoid further re-traumatization and further harm within the intervention process. This workshop will examine how survivors’ voices can be uplifted in a community’s response to intimate partner violence, address how lethality and recidivism factors can be used to create safer communities, and discuss strategic ideas for survivor engagement. 

Speakers: Michelle Toledo-Cainas & Sarah Colome 


Keynote #2

(Room TBD)

Session Title: 

Session Description: 

Speakers: TBD




Workshop #5

(Room TBD)

Session Title: Assaulted By the System 

Session Description: Explore the Vitality of Embracing Survivor-Led Support Groups: Amidst the arduous journey for justice within the legal realm, survivors frequently confront daunting obstacles. In the sanctuary of survivor support groups, we delve into the profound emotional toll of systemic injustices, offering a haven for individuals to voice their narratives and discover solace. These groups serve as nurturing spaces wherein mutual support cultivates resilience, empowering individuals amidst the intricate quest for safety within diverse systems. 

Speaker: Lisa Pous 



Workshop #6

(Room TBD)

Session Title: Abusive Partner Intervention Programing and Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment: Survivor Safety and Participant Accountability 

Session Description: The criminal justice system uses Abusive Partner Intervention Programs (APIP) for those who cause harm through intimate partner violence (IPV) and enhance survivor safety and accountability. APIPs have begun to include IPV risk assessments during their work with those who cause harm to measure either the risk of recidivism and lethality and further center survivor safety and accountability for the person causing harm. IPV risk assessments are frequently used by first responders and advocates but at least two risk assessments have been identified to be used by APIP providers. Although the primary objective of the APIP programs is to work with the person who causes harm, enhancing survivor safety is central to their work. This workshop discusses the risk assessments best suited for APIPs, illustrate examples of programs using them and how to best identify an assessment for the community for the opportunity to elevate survivors’ voices during the process of holding the person accountable. 

Speaker: Michelle Toledo-Cainas & Gene Johnson 


Workshop #7

(Room TBD)

Session Title: Firearm Transfer Protocols 

Session Description: 

Speaker: April Zeoli 

Workshop #8

(Room TBD)

Session Title: 

Session Description: 

Speaker: TBD




Workshop #9

(Room TBD)  

Session Title: A Culturally Responsive Lens for DVFRTs and High-Risk Teams 

Session Description: Homicides affect women of all ages and races, but young minority women are disproportionately impacted. This session will explore the vital roles and purposes of high-risk teams and domestic violence fatality review teams and the need for a culturally specific lens when reviewing these cases. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of their differences and similarities and how they both work to reduce domestic violence homicides. We will discuss the importance of effectively collaborating in coordinated responses to mitigate domestic violence fatalities 

Speakers: LaTesha Davis Pike & Carvanna Cloud 


Workshop #10

(Room TBD)  

Session Title: IPV – Prevention: Community Action Planning Session 

Session Description: Attendees will engage in a brainstorming session where all participants will collaborate to develop actionable plans for implementing IPV prevention strategies within their communities, workplaces, or schools. This session will provide an introduction and framing to community action planning, encourage creativity and innovation to ensure all voices are heard, help to identify priorities and challenges while troubleshooting solutions. By engaging participants in a collaborative action planning process, we can harness the collective wisdom, creativity, and commitment of the community to develop meaningful and sustainable IPV prevention initiatives. 

Speakers: Mona Kafeel & Zeinabou Sal 


Workshop #11

(Room TBD)  

Session Title: Building & Engaging Critical Connections: Community Partnerships to Enhance IPV Risk Assessments 

Session Description: Effective and sustainable implementation or enhancement of an intimate partner violence (IPV) risks communities – in the midst of their efforts to help. Furthermore, true partnerships require buy-in, collaboration, and engagement. When strong, these interdisciplinary partnerships can lead to assessment demands a collective approach, but where to start? Diverse partnerships are essential to this process; often, system stakeholders may not have essential community partners at the table to ensure IPV risk assessments do not cause further harm to victims of crime – particularly those within marginalized o shared sustainability, survivor-centered responses, and offender accountability. This workshop will highlight the importance of not just creating partnerships to address intimate partner violence, but practical strategies to maintain these relationships to bolster sustainability when using IPV risk assessments in the community. 

Speakers: Michelle Toldeo-Cainas & Sarah Colome 


Workshop #12 (Lightning Rounds)

(Room TBD)  

General Session Description: Join us for an engaging lightning round session focused on innovative engagement practices in intimate partner violence services and community education. In this dynamic session, four expert speakers will each deliver a 15-minute presentation showcasing unique approaches and strategies within the field. These lightning rounds will cover a range of topics, from community-based interventions to technological advancements and cultural competence in service delivery.

Following the lightning rounds, participants will have the opportunity to engage directly with the speakers during a 15-minute Q&A session.  

Round 1 Title: 

Round 1 Description: 

Speaker: Geneece Goertzen 

Round 2 Title: Empower Through Education: The A.R.T. of Building Healthy Relationships to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence 

Round 2 Description: We aim to improve the quality of life for communities affected by domestic violence through the empowerment and education of sharing the “A.R.T. of Building Healthy Relationships.” 

Speaker: Jamie R. Wright 

Round 3 Title: Accountability Walk: Taking Responsibility for Our Actions and Ending Violence 

Round 3 Description: Similar to “In Her Shoes®,” “Accountability Walk” is a powerful interactive activity that simulates the experience of domestic violence offenders and their journey to rehabilitation. Participants are assigned a fictional character and are asked to make decisions and navigate through different scenarios based on that character’s experiences. This activity helps raise awareness and also allows participants to reflect on their attitudes and behaviors towards domestic violence and how they can support victims, prevent abuse, and, most importantly, provide resources to offenders to break the cycle and make positive changes. 

Speaker: Kenneth Scott 

Round 4 Title: Small Group Success: Running Effective Prevention Groups on Teen Dating Violence 

Round 4 Description: We know that one in three adolescents is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse from a dating partner, a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence. Reaching these teens in a meaningful way is crucial to prevention of such abuse. In this interactive lightning session, presenter Amy Dossett will lead a discussion on best practices for setting up, implementing, and running engaging small groups for teens – with the ultimate goal of prevention of dating violence and the promotion of healthy relationships. 

Speaker: Amy Dossett 




Breakfast & Networking 




Affinity Group Meetings 


Keynote #3

(Room TBD)

Session Title: Implementing Flexible Financial Assistance Programs as a Promising Strategy to Prevent Homelessness among Survivors: Considerations for Community-based Agencies 

Session Description: Across the United States, the flexible funding model is gaining national popularity as an emerging solution to increase safety, housing and economic stability among domestic violence survivors. As diverse institutions and communities seek to implement this intervention, a shared understanding of the guiding principles and core components of the flexible funding model is needed to promote implementation fidelity and yield the best outcomes among survivors. To this end, this session will present information about the guiding principles of the flexible funding model, discuss core considerations for agencies and communities seeking to implement the model, and conclude with an overview of preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of the flex funding model. 

Speakers: Oyesola Oluwafunmilayo “Funmi” Ayeni & Lavon Morris Grant 


Keynote #4

(Room TBD)

Session Title: The Person: What Lies at the Core of Culturally Specific Care 

Session Description: Cultural specificity is critical to the discussion of equity, inclusivity, and justice in domestic violence response and prevention. However, when responders approach culturally specific care through the lens of “competency”, we are taught that an outsider’s view of an entire people is “competence”. But given that DV response is founded upon the principle of empathy, this concept collapses upon considering one simple question. How do you decide how much empathy for marginalized and oppressed peoples is “competent”? In this session, responders will explore the failures of “cultural competency” and the approach of culturally specific care by a culturally specific organization. 

Speaker: Lul Mohamud




Plenary #3

(Conference Room)

Session Title: 

Session Description: 

Speaker: Jamie R. Wright 


Closing Remarks 

(Conference Room)

Early Bird Registration
(May 30 – July 30)

TCFV Member: $175
Non-Member: $215

Registration Fees after Early Bird
(July 31 – October 29)

TCFV Member: $215
Non-Member: $255

Venue Information

TCAE Conference Center

3100 Alvin Devane Blvd, Building B
Austin, TX 78741

Refunds, Cancellations, and Transfers:

Cancellation requests can be made through the cancellation link in your confirmation email, and must be made at least four weeks prior (no later than September 30,2024) to the conference date to be refunded. All cancellations and refunds will be processed in the same manner as original payment. If paid by credit card, the refund will be issued to the card on record.  Payments made by check will be refunded as a check and may take up to 30 days after the meeting to process. If you have any questions or concerns, please email: statewide@tcfv.org.

*No refunds will be made for cancellation requests received less than four weeks before the event. *

**If you wish to transfer your registration to someone else within your agency, please follow the instructions on Coalition Manager for transferring.**

Continuing Education Units:

CEUs: 8.5
8.5 total hours of Continuing Education Units for Social Work, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, and TDCJ-CJAD (BIPP: 1.50/Family Violence: 7)

*Please note that CEU certificates are individual to you. If you have multiple individuals from your agency participating, have each person register.

Venue Information:

3100 Alvin Devane Blvd, Bldg B
Austin, Texas 78701

Limited on site parking, additional offsite parking TBA. 

Lodging accommodations are available only off site. TCFV will not be reserving any room blocks for conference attendees. You will responsible for securing your lodging. 

If you have any questions, please email statewide@tcfv.org.